Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

Tersingkir dari 5 besar kompetisi SEO

Bener-bener gak nyangka, waktu pertama kali publish artikel serunya belajar seo hasil serp blog utamaku bisa bertahan diposisi 3 besar di semua mesin pencari yang disyaratkan. di Google indonesia manteng diposisi #1, bing #1, cuma yahoo yang waktu itu lumayan susah malah gak ke indeks sampe 3 hari.

Sampai akhirnya ke indeks yahoo tapi gak pernah nyentuh posisi puncak. Optimasinya cuma asal-asalan sih hihihi lum serius. Paling cuma coba kasih backlink sama buat artikel original aja terus kasih link ke taget kata kunci. Okelah mudah-mudahan kali ini hoki lagi ahahaha

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

How Help Desk Software can benefit your own Business Alnect Komputer

There is no small organization or large corporate network Alnect Komputer remaining in business for longer without an adequate customer support service for troubleshooting.

Customer Support Software and Help Desk Software are useful aids to manage your communications with both actual customers and potential clients. This type of software help you centralize email inquiries, live chat sessions, and online issues among other activities.

A typical Help Desk Software package often includes a convenient way to record issues received by phone, as well as those submitted via online support ticket system.

Help Desk Software also contributes to enhance interaction between staff and customers, providing them with top-notch technology that usually comprises knowledge and problem management, workflow, data analysis and reporting of issues submitted each day.

It does not really matter if your business is as small as less than three people working hand in hand, Customer Support Software and Help Desk Software will create the necessary aura of professionalism that your business needs.

Detailed reports and analytics are basic to tackle effectively all those issues handled by your Help Desk Software on a daily basis, but the software itself contributes also to develop teamwork efficiently.

Taking advantage of Alnect Komputer modern technologies, Help Desk Software enables Staff to Staff live chat, and it can also be configured as add-on package for other compatible Customer Support Software.

When it comes to determine which is the most adequate software for your company, experts recommend evaluating your present technology and consider an upgrade if necessary to make sure your chosen Help Desk Software is compatible with your business system.

There are software packages expressly developed to work under certain native operating systems that run on personal computers, such as Windows, Linux or MacOs.

However, numerous Help Desk Software packages are developed as scripts that run basically over an Internet Server, while others combine both,a server-side Customer Support Software, and a Help Desk Software client running from your PC or used for remote administration.

Furthermore, doing a research on a comparative basis among the different customer support solutions available in the market you will find that many of them are compatible with software that you already use, including Microsoft Outlook, Word, or Excel.

This characteristic allows a seamless integration of new Help Desk Software into traditional software applications you are familiar with, making easier updating contacts, sharing task, events, and bits of information already recorded elsewhere.

Just by adding Customer Support Software or Help Desk Software to your business, you are adding value to your products and services, promoting tacitly trustworthy and customers’ confidence.

While Customer Support Software is focused to provide assistance to your clients whenever they have a trouble or need something to ask for, Help Desk Software is aimed to offer a global solution to manage different aspects of you relationship with clients and staff interaction.

Help Desk Software improves productivity of your business and efficiency of your workers, increasing also customer satisfaction and improving communication and troubleshooting.

There is another fact to keep in mind talking satisfaction of your customers. The Internet has literally diluted geographical frontiers so if your business is online, it's more likely that international customers approach you.

Whether national or worldwide, the implementation of Help Desk Software is an excellent strategy for any business, reducing the need of toll-free hotlines, and saving money in long distance calls between offices, or those calls placed from customers located abroad.

In the other hand, if you are running a conventional telephone support, the installation of Help Desk Software onto your system will lead you to identify those areas requiring more attention or substantial changes to improve performance and boost your sales.

Customer Support Software is also a convenient way to obtain feedback from users of this system. Afterwards, the information obtained can be added to your Help Desk Software database for further analysis and improvement of your business affairs.

Act now and let that your Help Desk Software reveal you the secrets of Alnect Komputer customer satisfaction contributing to your success.

Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Respon Masyarakat dalam Pemilu 2009 Tinggi

Jajaran Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) boleh menarik nafas lega. Walau pun kegiatan sosialiasi Pemilu 2009 yang mereka gelar tergolong sangat minim, tetapi antusias warga berpartisipasi dalam pesta demokrasi nasional lima tahunan ini sangat tinggi.

Demikian menurut hasil jajak pendapat yang digelar International Republican Institute (IRI) bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Survey Indonesia (LSI). Hasil survei menunjukkan 87 persen responden menyatakan akan menunaikan hak pilih pada hari-H Pemilu 2009.

Keputusan untuk tidak menjadi golput ini terkait dengan tingginya rasa tidak puas masyarakat terhadap tingkah polah para anggota legislatif. Hanya sepertiga dari 2.189 laki-laki dan perempuan dewasa di 33 provinsi yang menjadi responden jajak pendapat ini menyatakan puas atas kinerja DPR dan DPRD.

Dekat dengan rakyat, jujur dan anti korupsi adalah tiga kriteria teratas yang dipilih oleh responden dalam memilih anggota DPR. Begitu yang tertulis dalam ringkasan hasil survei yang diterima detikcom, Selasa (24/2/2009), melalui faksimili.


Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Iklan Partai Bukan Urusan Depkominfo

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo) mengaku tidak bisa menindak iklan-iklan politik yang dinilai negatif. Pasalnya, kewenangan itu ada di tangan Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu).

Kepala Pusat Informasi Politik Hukum dan Keamanan Depkomminfo Ismail Cawidu beralasan, menurut undang-undang pemilu, kewenangan menindak iklan yang dibuat partai politik berada di Badan Pengawas Pemilu.

Meski begitu, menurutnya sebuah iklan yang materinya menyebar fitnah dan menjatuhkan partai lain tanpa dasar yang jelas, bisa dikategorikan black campaign atau kampanye hitam.


Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

Pemerintah Terbitkan Aturan Kampanye Pemilu Bagi Pejabat Negara

Dalam rangka melaksanakan kampanye Pemilu Legislatif dan Presiden 2009, pemerintah telah menerbitkan PP Nomor 14 Tahun 2009. Peraturan ini berisi tentang aturan kampanye terbuka bagi pejabat negara.

"Dalam melaksanakan kampanye pemilu, pejabat negara itu harus melakukan cuti atau non aktif," ujar Menteri Dalam Negeri Mardiyanto di Gedung Depdagri, Jl Medan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta, Kamis (12/2/2009).

Tata cara pengajuan cuti ini, dijelaskan Mardityanto, dilakukan secara berjenjang. Untuk pejabat setingkat menteri, harus mengajukan cuti kepada presiden. Untuk gubernur, izinnya harus kepada presiden melalui mendagri. Sedangkan untuk bupati atau wali kota, pengajuan izin kepada mendagri melalui gubernur.

"Khusus bagi presiden, mengajukan cuti kepada sekretaris negara," tambahnya.

Menurut Mardiyanto, waktu pengajuan cuti harus dilakukan maksimal tujuh hari sebelum masa kampanye (16 Maret -5 April 2009). Sedangkan izin yang akan diberikan khusus untuk presiden, 1 hari kerja setiap minggu.

"Khusus untuk hari libur, presiden atau wakil presiden bebas melakukan kampanye, namun tidak boleh berbarengan," pungkasnya.

Namun di dalam PP ini ditegaskan beberapa aturan yang tidak boleh dilanggar oleh pejabat. Mereka tidak boleh menggunakan fasilitas negara, mengerahkan staf-staf di bawah departemennya, serta menggunakan dana fasilitas BUMN atau BUMD.